"Keith (Southend)G" wrote in message
On Dec 17, 9:37 pm, "Lawrence Jenkins" wrote:
"The Incredible Mr Freeze" wrote in
amazing toys and prams contest on that ****e, sorry site
its hliarious
there where my snow stuff thread is just genius
is it linked to the samaritans?
Yes where is my &*%ing snow, just checked with UKMO and the clowns have
adamant since last night about snow for the SE from midday tomorrow, why
they even updated this afternoon yet now its gone. Why the bloody hell
they provide a proviso with this charts based on probability what a load
morons. By the ways that's a lot of words begining with 'P' and ****ed-off
is anaother one.
Saw the BBC Look East Forecast at 18:55 and she showed that snow band
moving across us in a line NW / SE, as if it was a front moving up
from the SW, this was shown over the whole of Essex at the end of the
Seems that everyone is interpreting this thing differently.
Keith (Southend)
"Weather Home & Abroad"
If it is so uncertain than surely those useless weather web pages at UKMO
can just say that. No instead they spew this crap out as if its written in
stone I'm really cheesed of with this. Today at work I showed a colleague
the UKMO forecast so he could advise his wife to call of a function in Kent.
I would really like to find the nerd who put those pages together and give
him/her a virtual slap. the blithering bloody idiots.
Yes forecasting is difficult so why bloody try without factoring in