"Joe Whyte" wrote in message
"Dave Cornwell" wrote in message
Does anybody know how Eire has faired in the last few weeks cold spells.
The weather always seems to be in a sort of reporting Bermuda triangle
there, with the maps just blanking it out. I know it's not part of the UK
but it is of some interest.
Hi Dave.
Some substantial snowfalls some weeks ago and the East coast bore the
brunt of it. Depths ranged from a 4 to 5 cm along coast to double figures
further inland and higher up. Last week was benign with good thawing
although some areas ice still remained from compacted snow.
This week has seen heavy snowfall in the N, NW, W and SW most recently.
Little to report around Dublin with just about 0.5cm of snow last night -
the first snow in over a week. Very cold throughout with -10c in midland
parts (Mullingar). Signs of some shower activity now along the east coast
so we might see another dusting before morning.
The councils are under a bit of pressure having used a lot of their
salt/grit supply and the replenishment is delayed now as delivery from
Egypt hit by bad weather in the Med!
A cold winter and for some definitely memorable. Nothing like what we see
reported in Scotland or part of Northern Ireland.
Ah well...mild on the way... ;-)
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Egypt??? Blimey I remember watching the BBC series Coast and
they showed Carrickfergus in NI on the East Coast -I believe you're in
Dublin Joe? Anyhow to quote from the BBC website
"Half a million tonnes of salt are shipped from the Irish Salt Mining &
Exploration Company in Kilroot every year, some going to England, Scotland
and as far as the USA. It's used for gritting icy roads in winter"
How odd that Eire gets theirs from Egypt.