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"Keith (Southend)G" writes
Must be lovely living in a village Jim in this sort of weather, but
part of course this is one of the drawer backs. It's similar to the
moaners with regards to Southend Airport expansion, the airports been
there longer than most of us, so why buy a house near it?
Keith (Southend)
"Weather Home & Abroad"
I don't live in a village Keith, our nearest neighbour is two miles
away, the village four miles, neither am I an incomer, or 'comeover' as
they're called here. My current house is very near (downhill) from
where I was born and raised. The old family croft was long abandoned,
in part because of harsh winters in the 40s, 50s and 60s, and is now a
Granted I was away in England for too many years but I've been home for
the last twenty and knew exactly what to expect in a bad winter -
hardship. Unlike the urban snow warriors, or former urban snow warriors
now comfortably in a village, I'm confident that I'm fully in tune with
country people. None of them want this sort of weather, my very good
mate is a hill sheep farmer, it's hard enough at the best of times. The
last thing he needs are dead pregnant ewes in a snow drift, that's what
I've been doing for two days now digging sheep out of the killer drifts.
Funnily enough I know of no country people either who find solace in the
alleged killing off of ticks etc., they'll all be back regardless. Yet
another urban snow warrior myth. It's also no joke digging winter veg
out of frozen ground. It's only townies who get excited about snow and
ice, that's guaranteed, people who live off the land couldn't give a
monkeys if the snow was measured at 15cm or 15.5cm deep, or if the
temperature hits a record low, they just want a thaw.
Anyway I've said enough, I know I come across as a killjoy, which I'm
not at heart. The bizarre (plagiarism again, sorry Tudor) obsession
with snow and cold by townies just exasperates me sometimes. Still you
don't know about the real hardship winter can bring, that's
understandable, why should you? No more from me on the subject.