In article
RK writes:
On Dec 19, 9:02*pm, John Hall wrote:
The very low temperatures in the west Midlands, day as well as night,
are going to have a big impact on the CET I imagine. (Though they
probably don't use Pershore, as I suspect that it must be in a frost
hollow. But Shobdon, Shawbury and Hereford were also very chilly.)
I thought Pershore was specifically one of the three CET stations?
(The others being Stoneyhurst and Rothamsted.)
Yes, you're right. According to Philip Eden, "The Hadley Centre's CET
calculation has recently undergone a major change, involving the
replacement of several of the contributing stations. Their series is now
based on Stonyhurst (Lancs), Pershore (Worcs) and Rothamsted (Herts),
all of which are Campbell Automatic Weather Stations. The Philip Eden
series continues to emulate Manley's original work which calculates the
mean between the Oxford district and the Lancashire Plain "
However that webpage seems to date from 2005, so it's not impossible
that there have been some changes since. (Incidentally, when quoting CET
figures for recent years I use Philip's, as I believe him when he says
that his figures are more consistent with Manley's.)
John Hall
"I look upon it, that he who does not mind his belly,
will hardly mind anything else."
Dr Samuel Johnson (1709-84)