20/1210Z DEC 2010 -RA (RERASN/-SN) West Moors/E.Dorset
On Dec 20, 12:48*pm, "Will Hand" wrote:
"Nick" wrote in message
On Dec 20, 12:14 pm, "Martin Rowley"
... (1125Z): moderate snow again, but recently we had a mix of sleet
(RASN) mixed with pellets (PE) ... new snow depth 5 cm.
OAT: = +0.3°C//DP = -1.0°C//Visibility 0700M
Been out for a walk: roads running OK ... all treated roads fine,
others PWC but the care is needed!
... (1210Z): light rain now ... recently, short period rain/snow mixed
... everything quickly turning slushy underfoot.
Visibility shot up to at least 8 km.
OAT:= +0.8°C//-0.3°C.
Martin Rowley
West Moors, East Dorset (UK): 17m (56ft) amsl
Lat: 50.82N Long: 01.88W
NGR: SU 082 023
Seems to have turned to rain or possibly sleet in the Southampton
area. Lows coming in from the southwest are almost guaranteed not to
produce snow round here, even if the mild air doesn't get in - just
about all our falls are from winds with a northerly component.
Weird because there has been nearly a foot of snow in sub-tropical Exeter!
Yes I wonder about that - Devon, even lowland Devon with onshore winds
- has at least a couple of times in the last two winters got much more
snow in these setups than Hampshire. It seems to be something to do
with the paths of these lows, they seem to become slow moving
somewhere between Devon and Hampshire quite often, meaning Devon gets
stuck in cold snowy NElies while Hampshire gets (relatively) mild, wet
Am hoping the clearance will arrive asap now - a truly horrible day