Light snow falling Southend
In message , Adrian
You make a lot of good points Jim, but I have to take you to task on
this one:
On 2010-12-20, Jim Kewley wrote:
It's only townies who get excited about snow and
ice, that's guaranteed, people who live off the land couldn't give a
monkeys if the snow was measured at 15cm or 15.5cm deep, or if the
temperature hits a record low, they just want a thaw.
I'm country born and bred. Wouldn't move to a town if I could possibly
avoid it. Nearest neighbours 300 yards away. Currently "snowed in" by
most people's reckoning, but if I need to go out, I simply put the snow
chains on the car, and with winter tyres I should be fine (except if I
encounter too many ill-equipped idiots on the road - which is the main
reason I don't go out unless I have to). Yes, I find that fun!
I've no argument with any of that Adrian, funny thing is up to October
09 we always had a 4x4. I enjoy driving and find 4x4s abysmal, the wife
got tired of my moans about the big wallowing b*st*rd. Seemed like a
bad time to get rid of it but with winter tyres fitted to a large, rear
wheel drive estate, I find no real difference to the 4x4 on snowy/icy
Winter tyres do a sterling job, it's interesting how the Brit Isles are
full of 4x4s yet countries with regular harsh winters, tend to prefer
winter tyres on ordinary cars. Obviously a 4x4 with winter tyres is a
better prospect than a car but how many 4x4s are fitted with the
appropriate tyres?