Isolated thunderstorm last night?
Judging by the absence of reports here, could last night's
thunderstorm have been confined to the northern part of
the Isle of Wight where I was staying over the weekend?
My wife heard a distant rumble and wasn't sure if she had
heard thunder but some minutes later at 28/0245Z, a bright
flash was seen through the curtains. Only 5 seconds had
passed when the windows rattled to the reverberation of
quite loud thunder. Torrential rain then fell for about 5
minutes (4.9mm in the rain gauge at 28/0900Z for the
previous 24 hours at Wootton, northeast I.O.W.) but
no further electrical activity was apparent.
Walking the dog in the strong sunshine this morning, I
counted 6 red squirrels (the most I've seen at one time
and uncharacteristically tame) in the hedges and stunted
trees alongside the local footpath (spooked by last night's
storm, perhaps?)
Is this November boring? Not in my view.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)... no confirmed thunder here.