Article by Philip Eden
"John Hall" wrote in message
In article ,
Alan Murphy writes:
The work of Lorenz on the
chaotic nature of weather was to suggest that very small
changes in the initial conditions of a chaotic system could cause
huge and unpredictable variations on the final outcome. Amazing
that his work has fallen out of fashion so quickly :-)
I don't think that it has done. I've seen it referred to in at least one
TV documentary recently. And isn't chaos believed to be why computer
models can't forecast the weather more than a finite time ahead?
John Hall
Exactly so, John. I'm just exploring possible causes and effects.
After WW2 the weather was unsettled for a long time and many
people blamed it on the munitions used. The standard refutation,
prior to Chaos Theory, was that the energy in storm systems was
many orders of magnitude greater than that of nuclear explosions
and that these, therefore, had no affect on the weather.