"Paul Crabtree" wrote in message
My 30cm thermometer has fallen to 0.0c this morning. !!!
50cm soil at 1.5c and 100cm soil at 3.4c. I only have a thin snow
cover so the ground is now completley solid. Garden gates dont open
properley, shed doors jammed, water butts solid all the way through
with ice (then they roll over on their side)
Full 7 days now where the Daily Max has not reached zero
21 air frosts and 24 grass frosts
Life in the freezer continues.
Paul C
Brampton NE Cumbria
That really is a big freeze.
Certainly was cold here - my Air Min this month MS9.2, but last 3 nights
Mins MS0.5 and PS 0.2 last night. Maxes each of 3 days approaching PS02.
Light rain on and off most of 22nd. NO Snow lying last 3 days and only 1
cm before.
Local news showed a resumption of the carrot harvest as temperatures have
risen. I had wrongly asumed that the fields would have been frozen salid
beneath the surface.
NSS Mid Suffolk