On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 11:17:56 -0000, Peter Clarke wrote in
An arctic northerly had extended south on 28 Nov and rain associated with
the cold front had turned to snow, even on low ground in Surrey. Saturday,
29 Nov dawned clear and frosty with a minimum of -6.0 deg C but by the
afternoon the sky had darkened as a trough moved south across the county
and snow fell steadily for more than 2 hours With the day's maximum
temperature -0.5 deg, the snow readily accumulated on the frozen ground and
reached a depth of 4 - 5 cms. This ranks as the heaviest snowfall I have see
in November here although the fall of 22 Nov 1965 was similiar.
I recorded 3 consecutive days of snow lying after the event and skiing and
tobogganing were popular activities on the North Downs - a very rare event
in November.
Thanks for that memory, Peter. I don't know if you are aware of the
tremendous map archive at:
Here are four of the charts for noon that day:
http://www.wetter-zentrale.de/topkar...ar=196 9&typ=
Mike 55.13°N 6.69°W Coleraine posted to uk.sci.weather 29/11/2004 18:41:05 UTC