Hi, All,
Merry Christmas everyone
Lee slope wind at it again! Up to F5 atm and temperature rising
accordingly. Funny old climate over here. The last time this happened
was the gale on 10th December that shifted 17cm snow overnight.
Current, 1010Z W 18KT(F5), vis 10km, scattered clouds, temp 1C dew
-1C, 1026mb steady
09Z-09Z 25th December 2010
Copley Lead Mill 218m
Max -0.8C min -8.1C snow 16cm
Copley Met O 253m
Max 0.4C min -5.0 C grass -8.1C rain 0.0 mm sun 24th 6.7hr snow 10cm
fresh 0 cm
Copley, nr Barnard Castle, Teesdale, County Durham