More green than white in Wishaw
Alex Stephens wrote:
After 2 hellish days of glaze and most surfaces coated in black ice,
today has provided some respite for pedestrians. I've never known such
treacherous conditions.
The thaw has now driven the snow back to around a 30% cover and the
last 48 hours have been spent with the air temperature above zero. 2ºC
feels positively summer like! By comparison to what has been of
Average December temperature for the site has now risen to -4.1ºC. The
value will end up around -3.5ºC given the forecasts til the New Year.
It'll certainly smash all December records, and is likely the coldest
calendar month in the central lowlands since January 1814.
Certainly a case of move over 1963 and Feb 47.
Wishaw, Central Lowlands
It was incredible stuff Alex. Glad you pulled through! Of course nothing
like 1963 down here as that was a south thing a I remember, with the NW
and Scotland being less severe.