Pattern change. End of the cold at 10 days.
On Dec 18, 7:16*pm, Dawlish wrote:
Enough agreement and consistency for me.
**At T240, on 28th Dec 2010, mild Atlantic air will have invaded the
UK and the cold of December will be over, at least for a while. An
Atlantic regime will be operative, though the change to this milder
air will probably be slow and messy, with a wintry mix as Atlantic
fronts push eastwards. By the 28th, the majority of the country will
be frost free on a night and precipitation in lowland areas will be of
rain and not snow in almost all areas. Much milder temperatures than
those at present, will be recorded on the 28th in all areas. If the
thaw is rapid, flooding could be a problem for some. **
There you go. Whether the mildness lasts, or the cold returns, is
another matter and not knowable at present, IMO.
Not bad at 10 days. Rain, rather than snow is falling in most parts of
lowland UK this evening, if there is any precipitation. Frost will be
limited to some NE areas tonight and most areas will probably be frost
free. Temperatures in all areas are significantly milder than on the
18th, though the change to an Atlantic regime has been slow, messy and
may well not last long. The MetO was still sticking to its cold guns
at this time 10 days ago, as were many other people, but the models
were actually pointing to this breakdown and pattern change very well.