On Dec 29, 10:09*pm, "Lawrence Jenkins" wrote:
At first I thought this was a mistake, a quirk, but no there seems to have
been a remarkable plunge in the near surface temperature recordhttp://discover.itsc.uah.edu/amsutemps/execute.csh?amsutemps
It is now lower for the 28th December 2010 than at any time since 1998; that
is some drop that I've seen no one else predict bar Joe who has been
proclaiming this would happen since this time last year. Surely he deserves
some praise and not the petty treatment he gets here *on many an occasion.
Amazing. A superb performance. Lawrence too. Global temperatures
always fall towards December. Well done to Joe for predicting it and
Lawrence for thinking it means something. No-one else saw that annual
fall coming either. Terrific!!
BTW. Here's the actual near-surface AMSU-A temperatures. Nowhere near
"a remarkable plunge" and December's UAH figures will be out in a few
days time and will comfirm that. I think Lawrence has been at the
funny stuff over Christmas. *))