In message m,
Lawrence Jenkins writes
"Alan LeHun" wrote in message
In article om,
So I take it Alan that you feel the drop in near surface temperature is
a fact?
Maybe he feels that the drop in near surface temperature over such a
short period is not significant?
Alan LeHun
Alan the point is its a remarkable drop in such a short space of time. To be
fair I did link it to Joe B's prediction of global cooling over the next 30
years. However regardless that is some drop.
Would you care to demonstrate that it is actually a remarkable drop.
First convert to a seasonally adjusted anomaly to remove the seasonal
cooling trend, and the compare with comparable periods over the last,
say, 10 years. Is it actually out of the ordinary?
(You might look at the "remarkable rise" at the end of December 2004.)
Stewart Robert Hinsley