[WR] 03/0810Z JAN2011 -RASN West Moors/E.Dorset
in 327121 20110103 081130 Martin Rowley wrote:
... (03/0740Z JAN 2011) just a bit of 'ground truth' to confirm that the
PPN belt indicated on the latest radarnet animation has given us a miss
- looks like it's developed as it ran further inland - and may also be
evaporating into the drier low-level air.
.... (03/0810Z JAN 2011): a very few 'flakes' of melting snow floating
down when I poked my nose outside - from leaden-grey skies; no impact
surface/visibility. OAT= +1.3�C // DP= -2.0�C.
According to RainToday it has been snowing for the last two hours where I live
yet I haven't seen a single flake.
(5 miles North of Portsmouth)