Is it me ?
"Dave Cornwell" wrote in message
Well it has been an historic December anyway and you and the Met Office
did well in predicting it. Ron knows what I think of LRF's but it doesn't
mean people shouldn't make them or others read them. I also don't
understand this bravery thing. Meteorology is supposed to be a science as
far as I know so a forecast of any kind should be based on the best
available scientific data and if it turns out wrong then that's not a
problem. What is a problem and I don't enjoy are people claiming they were
right when they patently weren't - this is fraud, especially when people
have paid. Then there are others that are so vague that I could have done
it by sticking a pin in it and saying it was a good forecast.I have yet to
see anyone get them consistently right and until they do, to me they are a
waste of time.
They are not a waste of time in the sense that if you don't even
attempt them because the techniques haven't been developed
yet to make them consistent, then the techniques never *will* be
developed. Catch 22!
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl