Is it me ?
"Will Hand" wrote in message
"Lawrence Jenkins" wrote in message
"Will Hand" wrote in message
"ronaldbutton" wrote in message
It has come to my attention lately ,that several members of this happy
breed seem to take grave exception to those of us who attempt making
long range forecasts,
well ,I for one, actually enjoy reading most of 'em,even the south
London Piers attempts !,.
If there are enough mugs around to pay good money for their ravings
well so be it,but why do people get so upset because they try ?.Most of
us have a vicarious streak in us ,which needs feeding every so often,so
keep up the good work lads( I say lads because women don't seem prone
to this phenomena)
Unashamably I now look forward to Wills ,Philip Eden,the Met Office,Old
Moores Almanac,and any other brave soul willing to put their necks on
the line so that I may daydream about the next blizzard ,heatwave ,or
whatever turns you on.
Thankyou and goodnight
Cheers Ron, I enjoy producing them and I take pleasure when they
occasionally come off! This winter's has already gone wrong (though not
the informal amendment), but it went wrong in the right way (for me).
I still reckon it will be a historic winter!
Well Will I see Accuweather via Joe is showing a major cold out break all
the way to the deep south, thank you ma'am. The actual models show snow
as far south as Galveston and that's enough to freeze of your Glenn
Campbell's. However I don't think that fits the pattern of J B's LRF for
the USA which was cold and snowy up until Christmas and then fairly
Anyway Will what are you seeing that fills you with such damned bravado?
That damned stratosphere looks threatening to me! At least at 200 mb if
you know how to interpret the charts from GFS. Just look at that polar
vortex migrating SW'wards next weekend, ooh er!
I see mild and cold Will but then again I'm in two minds as I suffer from Bi
Polar disorder, isn't that SAD sometimes.