interesting comments from Philip Eden on Radio 5 Live...
In article
Scott W writes:
I heard Philip mention his 'gut feeling' about the rest of the
"The weakness of the westerlies looks like it is going to continue.
Although the weather has mildened up a little bit over the last week
or so I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see further periods of
really cold and snowy weather during the rest of the winter. There are
signs, though, that February might not be quite as cold as January is
likely to be. That's my gut feeling."
In which case we could be in for another really cold snap toward the
end of the month - to even out the current mildness...
It will be interesting to see his "not the long range forecast" for
January, as his track record with these has been pretty impressive (in
general much better than the Met Office's 6-15 and 16-30 day forecasts
have managed). But when I looked at his site earlier today it wasn't yet
snip other interesting stuff
John Hall
"I look upon it, that he who does not mind his belly,
will hardly mind anything else."
Dr Samuel Johnson (1709-84)