On Jan 8, 1:56*pm, Lauren_Saggers Lauren_Saggers.76e3...@weather-
banter.co.uk wrote:
Just desperately tring to find someone living in and around
Helston/Porthleven or someone already analysing the weather in and
around this area of Cornwall, who could update me if there is any chance
of coastal flooding/ high tides/ storm surges/ extra big waves,
especially on the southern coast of Cornwall. I need to conduct
post-storm fieldwork at Loe Bar sometime in the next two months. Any
help would be welcome!!!
Hi Lauren,
I'm in Penzance and I could talk for ever about sea conditions!
Email me from the link on
(it's my normal email address).
I can also put you in touch with someone at NCI (National
Coas****ch), and a couple of thers, who may well be offer some help
at the right time.
I'm not sure if I can arrange this
but I'll try to arrange something. Also see
You may be picking a good time, the beach level is exceptionally high
at Porthleven/ Loe Bar at the moment, after such a benign winter wind
wise. Most of the larger waves have been constructive with the wind
tending offshore when the swells have arrived. They've had to remove
shingle at the bar, in order to allow the Pool to drain.
Things look more hopeful over the next month - from your perspective!
If you don't already know Magic Seaweed really is magic when it comes
to swell predictions. Porthleven forecast at
You're really looking for something 20'+ with a strong onshore wind to
cause some decent erosion. Often particularly destructive after a
benign spell, due to a lack of low water sand bars caused by large
Good luck