"Will Hand" wrote in message
================================================== ==================
This posting expresses the personal view and opinions of the author.
Something which everyone on this planet should be able to do.
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Brian Gaze's winter forecast is sadly going wrong already when he
predicted a
settled first half of December.
I'm a great snow fan and a member of the TWO forum, but I just get tired
bored with the seemingly endless "snow and cold weather love-ins", usually
T+168 or greater range. I prefer nowadays to wait and see what happens
and when
it does snow to actually go outside and enjoy it ! It seems rather
pointless to
me to wish one's life away waiting for that elusive severe winter. But
there you
go, that's just me.
I agree Will, the only time I believe any snow forecast is at T+0 and I can
see it in the sky, falling onto the ground. And then I hate it with a
Rob Overfield