It is a winter of two halves! I bet by the end of March Metcheque and TWO
will be praying for extra time ;-)
"Victor West" wrote in message
"Rob Overfield" wrote in message
"Will Hand" wrote in message
================================================== ==================
This posting expresses the personal view and opinions of the author.
Something which everyone on this planet should be able to do.
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Brian Gaze's winter forecast is sadly going wrong already when he
predicted a
settled first half of December.
I'm a great snow fan and a member of the TWO forum, but I just get
bored with the seemingly endless "snow and cold weather love-ins",
T+168 or greater range. I prefer nowadays to wait and see what happens
and when
it does snow to actually go outside and enjoy it ! It seems rather
pointless to
me to wish one's life away waiting for that elusive severe winter. But
there you
go, that's just me.
I agree Will, the only time I believe any snow forecast is at T+0 and I
see it in the sky, falling onto the ground. And then I hate it with a
For me waiting for a good snow event is a bit like watching the England
football team playing in the World Cup or European Championships.
To start of with the head rules. Don't be silly it says we all know
won't win/ there won't be any severe weather.
Then a few charts pop up/ England play a good game. Hmmm the brain thinks.
Stay calm
Another few charts pop up/England's draw looks good. Heart starts to take
charge. Maybe this time. Head butts in. Calm down it screams. Now it's
The charts are great/ England are in the quarter finals. This is is. This
what we've been waiting for. Yipppeeee!!!
Result is England get beaten on penalties/zonal weather crops up at T+24!!
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