Battleground UK
i can see whos bitter here. and its not the easterly.
and liar too, read the met mrf today, its says low risk and comments on
probable outcomes.
at least teaboy is working, has a met education and isnt standing out in
his garden in t-shirt on weekday afternoon in february and posts about
it on usw.
On 08/02/2011 7:56 PM, Dawlish wrote:
Thanks for your musings Robin. I'd put the chance of a "bitterly cold"
easterly higher than you do, at about 33%, or 3/1 against. I don't
think we are out of the woods at all with this one, yet. I've always
said that the cold will most probably stay to our east, over Russia
and eastern Europe, but I haven't had the confidence to say it
definitely won't come our way, as the models have shown neither
consistency, nor agreement on any definite outcome. It's the same
tonight. I honestly wish the MetO would have the guts to say that.
What I will say, with close to 100% confidence, is that "bitter cold"
and esterlies will not be afflicting the UK this weekend and I expect
my forecast of Atlantic weather for tomorrow, from 9 days ago, to be
correct! *))