Remote sensors and gauges
On Fri, 11 Feb 2011 at 21:06:38, I.M.Sutherland
wrote in :
Iain Thornton wrote:
use but I kind of felt 'left out' of the list of suppliers as a
representative of a top end meteorological equipment manufacturer.
Davis are not competitors of ours, we serve quite different markets;
but they are not at the top of the scale if considering weather
stations overall - their prices finish well below where our start.
and this is a fact that you are proud of? In my opinion, just like much
"scientific" equipment, prices are ridiculous.
At least most manufacturers have finally realised that USB exists.
Whenever I peruse mid-range weather stations though, they seem to have
ridiculously low internal data storage. What's the point of having the
capability for storing at say, 1 minute intervals, if you only have
enough capacity for 24 hours at that resolution? IMO, 1 week should be
the minimum!
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham (change 'invalid83261' to 'blueyonder' to email me)