Forecast: mild, Atlantic weather at 10 days on 24th Feb.
I'm not familiar with NetWeather and I do not think there is an archive on
TWO board. I may be wrong? Anybody know? I must admit I'd like to know the
dates when the forecasts were prepared to check the synoptic situations as
per Richard D's suggestion. I really do wonder why Dawlish is dodging this
potentially beneficial aspect (for science)? Under what pseudonym did
Dawlish post on TWO board and NetWeather, was it "SW Zephyr" or something?
How can one look if one is not a member of those boards?
"Siberian Knight" wrote in message
and absolute crock of utter lies as usual.
wont answer the question or provide evidence.
WHERE do we find them. Please post proof.
WHO determined they where wrong or right and to come up with those stats?
(no doubt yourself!)
its not forecasting. Its selective betting to make your self look good.
If your forecasted every day, not when it suits you or looks zonaly easy
some on here might give you the time of day.
Instead youve been exposed.
Damned LIES
On 15/02/2011 7:00 AM, Dawlish wrote:
xt -
I'll look forward to you judging it at outcome. Every one of these 99
forecasts has been published on Netweather, TWO and here. I can assure
you that they have been picked over when they've been wrong. It will
be good to recieve any comments on the hundredth.
If you feel it is easy PJ, to forecast at 10 days at any time, all I
ask is that you try it and see how easy it is. I'm sure you'll be
successful, if it is easy. Fair enough?