Hi folks
Some weeks ago there was a big fuss on certain websites about the Met
Office's long range probability map from October 2010 which showed a 60 -
80% probability of above average temperature for the three-month period
November 2010 to January 2011 -
There was a lot of feigned outrage that the Met Office had forecast a mild
winter and had therefore got it badly wrong, given the wintry weather of
December 2010. Obviously this is not true because they correctly forecast
the early onset of cold and wintry weather well in advance, but I don't know
how to find out how well they did with the long-range probability map. Does
anyone know, please? Did that three-month period turn out to be above
average temperature or not? I can find the maps on the Met Office's website
but I can't find out how to evaluate how well they did after the fact.