Is it day time yet?
Col wrote:
"Dave Cornwell" wrote in message
Yes but it suits. Towns not so nice in that!
And Col - 10pm not early? I haven't been to bed as early as that since I
was a child or ill or drunk! I tend to go to bed late these days, at
about 1.00 a.m, which is also quiet,with few distractions.
Although up at about 8-8.30am (Except early golf day Wed) I do whole
heartedly agree with you and wish I did get up at dawn in the summer and
get out in the country early. In fact once we do (if?) get some decent
weather down here I will make that a late New Year's resolution, I think.
You are a night owl and I'm an early bird, that much is obvious!
Going to bed at 1am, I can't imagine staying up until such an
ungodly hour! Well actually I *can* because I have tried to modify
my sleep patterns to make them more conventional. I've forced myself to
stay up till one in the morning but still ended up waking at 5am.
But I don't get enough sleep that way and I end up feeling horribly
tired the entire dnext ay.
At the end of the day (or night) I have to listen to what my body is
saying as to when I should be asleep. I can't fight it and ultimately
I have to accept that I need go to bed early and get up early.
I forgot to mention the post lunch or pre-dinner nap ;-)