In message
Succorso wrote:
Simon wrote:
Just wondered if anyone had any interesting microclimate effects around
their house or area. Today was our first morning of scraping frost from the
car here in Bristol. As usual, only one side of the car needed scraping -
the side that faced the road rather than the house. It's not a particularly
wide road so I am always amazed that there is such a difference between one
side of the car and the other.
Any other local effects?
You need cavity wall insulation 
Our house is 250 yrs old, so predated CWI by a long way - instead, some
of the walls are 18" thick, and yet frost still shys away from the
house. It's amazing how much heat is able to leech out of a house like that.
Yes, I've noticed the same thing. I always assumed that it had something to
do with the front of my house facing Patricia Hewitt Land, but I would have
expected hot rather than cold air from that direction :-)
BTW the front of my house faces NE. How about yours?
Swaffham, Norfolk
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