On Feb 26, 11:25*am, Len Wood wrote:
A bit early I admit.
Our old friend the Polar Maritime airmass has returned at last.
Not a 'returning Polar Maritime' though.
Much instability and beefy showers during which the temp. drops by 2
Blue skies and sun in between.
Quite nice really. Better than the -20C of Finland I had to put up
with a week ago.
Although all very pretty when viewed from indoors.
Len Wood
Wembury, SW Devon, 83 m asl
Clear blue skies here Len, after showers around dawn much clearer less
unstable conditions.
Currently hardly a cloud in sight, not even a small cumulus.
http://www.nci-stives.org/basiccamera.htm A complete contrast to
yesterday's mist & drizzle.
Blustery though, gusts to around 30mph. Temperature currently (1145)