I understand that predicted temperatures forPenzanceare compared
with actual data from Camborne, (info from a MetO contact). As you
would be aware, a north coast location is very different to a south
coast one. As a result, last Summer thePenzanceforecast temperature
was consistently very, very low with a NW airstream, and warm for a
southerly one.
It's worth adding that if you go to the MetO website for recentPenzance
weather, what you see is the Camborne data - (XCWeather does
show thePenzanceheliport conditions.) TheCuldrosedata is better,
as it's well away from the north coast the temperature profile is more
similar. Just add on typically 1-2C to allow for the shelter/altitude
difference off Penzance.
Today is a good exmple. The wind is just onshore on the north coast.
It is 16C in Penzance and 16C at windblown & exposed Culdrose
Near the north coast it is around 10C at Camborne.
So, if you go to the forecast for Penzance, you get 11C forecast for
, and if you click the recent weather button you see the forecast is
spot on as it was 10.1C at noon!
This is the way the forecast is validated - Complete boll*cks
basically. (It clearly annoys me!)
go to recent weather