"Col" wrote in message
"Jack Harrison" wrote in message
These absurd "long range" forecasts (!?) are becoming more than just a
source of amusement - they are actually becoming a confounded
I never look at them let alone pay any regard to rumours flying around
re MetChuck, etc. But friends and acquaintances are more and more
often saying to me - knowing of my interests - "I hear we are going to
have a cold winter".
These amateurs, admittedly with a marvelous gift for self publicity,
might actually be affecting the economy in some ways. I am in fact
quite surprised not to have seen a sign outside any garage selling
coal, logs etc that proclaims: "Stock up now for the hard winter
Somebody came up to me the other day and started going on about
how we were going to have a cold winter. I sighed inwardly and patiently
explained that what he had heard was almost certainly a forecast from
the likes of Metcheck/TWO and their tactics of crowing about the ones they
got right and quietly forgetting about the ones they got wrong.
I sent him away with him promising to be more sceptical about what he
hears in the media from now on 
Indeed and people wonder why I get so bloomin annoyed with the antics of these
In the building and other trades people have work done from unqualified people
at their own risk and the trades federations ensure that their skilled craftsmen
have accreditation and certificates. I know the Royal Met Soc has introduced the
chartered meterologists scheme, this should go a long way to help in my view. I
have no problem with anyone making forecasts, indeed a lot of private companies
and consultants do a terrific job, but you hear little of them because they do
their good work quietly unlike some who seem to crow and make sensationalist
forecasts and make sure that the media know about them.
On my walk today someone asked me "when is the severe winter going to start" , I
put her right by saying that the Met Office did not make that prediction and I
also explained that no respectable scientists would stand up so early and say
such a thing without giving probabilities of occurrence, expressions of
confidence, other provisos etc etc.
One thing I *can* tell you is that you can be assured that the Met office is now
"on the case" and the media will be well informed in future of who published
what and when.
Before anyone asks, no I do not have a chartered meteorologist's certificate
despite being a professional for 34 years ! I class myself as a competent DIY'er
" Visit Haytor meteorological office at
http://www.lyneside.demon.co.uk/Hayt...met_office.htm "
A COL BH site in East Dartmoor at Haytor, Devon 310m asl (1017 feet).
www: http://www.lyneside.demon.co.uk
DISCLAIMER - All views and opinions expressed by myself are personal
and do not necessarily represent those of my employer.