BBC1 Weather Show
On Sat, 9 Apr 2011 10:56:24 +0100, John Hall wrote:
It's BBC1 and in front of an audience. I don't think it will be
good, certainly nothing that would require much above GCSE grade C
science. I suspect it will be similar to Stargazing Live.
Which I thought was an excellent programme, ...
It wasn't bad but did dumb things down a bit.
... so if the new programme turns out to be similar that would be good.
I'm not naive enough to expect something requiring A Level physics to
GCSE grade C means they got their name right. B-) There does seem
to be a trend in factual/documentaries away from the lowest common
denominator that has ruled for the last 10 or 20 years. What this
programme will be like depends on the slot it gets on BBC1, if it's
early evening it will be focus on the entertainment part of "inform,
educate and entertain".
Cheers Dave.
Nr Garrigill, Cumbria. 421m ASL.