The tide-gauge in Amsterdam, installed
in 1682, is the oldest in the world. Superimposing
this subsidence record on the
uplift record from the Stockholm tidegauge,
I was able to isolate a eustatic factor
for the time period 1680 to about
1970 (Mörner 1973). This shows a rise
from 1830-1840 up to 1930-1940 of 11
cm. In that 100-year period, the Earth’s
rate of rotation decelerated at a value
which corresponds to a 10-cm sea level
rise (see, for example, Mörner 1996).
Consequently, there is a very good fit
between sea level rise and rotational
deceleration, which seems to provide a measure of a global
sea level factor (the blue line with respect to the red line in
Figure 3).