British Isles Outlook - 11th to 20th December 2004
Trying to grab the headlines Keith? Sensationlist rubbish!!!!!!!!
"Keith Darlington" wrote in message
Disclaimer: The forecaster is not responsible for losses or damage
incurred by the forecast-user. The forecast-user is responsible for
his own actions at all times.
The single chart for the period 11th to 20th December shows low pressure
to the north-west of the British Isles and high pressure along the
Channel and into the southern North Sea. Winds are generally SW over
the country. Most rain can be expected in the north-west of Britain
and driest conditions in the south and south-east. Temperatures are
expected to be mild but cooler in the north-west.
The run of weather starts on Saturday,11th, with a slow moving pressure
situation. A LP to the NW of Britain with a trough near Ireland to
SW England. There may be a wave in the Channel near SW England. Areas
of HP lie to the SW and the SE of the British Isles. Winds are mainly
SW but turn W'erly in the W of the country. Any increase in wind is to
be found W of Scotland. Heavy rainfall over Scotland with showers
elsewhere. Driest over E England and SE Scotland. Temperatures are near
normal or slightly above, but coolest in the NW of the country.
On Sunday 12th, LP lies to the W of Scotland with a trough
stretching E'wards towards Scotland. There may be a small secondary LP
out in the Atlantic moving towards S Ireland. An area of HP lies over
the near continent. Winds are mostly WSW. Heavy rain expected over
Ireland with showers over England and Wales. Slightly milder along the
south coast but cooler over Scotland.
On Monday 13th, LP lies to the north-west of Britain and a small
secondary comes towards SW Ireland. HP lies over the near continent
and along part of the E'tern Channel. Winds are mostly SW with any
breeziness to the W of Scotland. Heavy rain expected to the NW of
Scotland and Northern Ireland; showers elsewhere except down the E
coast of England. Coolest conditions to the north-west of the country.
On Tuesday 14th, LP covers Northern Ireland and W Scotland. HP
lies to the S and SE of the country. There may be a wave crossing
East Anglia towards the North Sea. Winds vary between SW and WNW.
Showers cover most of the country, but drier conditions can be expected
in the SW and extreme SE of the country. Condition are a little cooler
than of late with the mildest temperatures expected in the extreme SW of
the country.
On Wednesday 15th, LP lies to the NW of the country. A secondary
LP out in the Atlantic moves in the direction of S Ireland. A belt of
HP runs W/E along the Channel. Winds are SW but turn W to the west of
Ireland. A small increase of wind to the W of Scotland. Heavy rain to
the W and NW of Scotland with showers elsewhere. Driest over SE and E
England. Cool conditions for the extreme W and NW of the country.
Average conditions elsewhere.
On Thursday 16th, LP lies to the NW of the country with a small
wave expected to cross England. HP lies over the near continent. Winds
are SW to W. Heavy rain expected over Ireland, Wales and the SW of
England; showers over the rest of England. Cool winds into Scotland
and milder air into S England.
On Friday 17th, LP to the NW of the country with a trough
stretching SE'wards towards the Midlands. An area of HP lies to the SW
of the country. Winds are variable over most of Britain but are W'erly
in the west and south-west of England. Any breeziness is to be found
over W Scotland. Heavy rain expected over Scotland with rain showers
expected elsewhere. Cool over the west and north-west of the country,
average elsewhere.
On Saturday 18th, the stagnation of the last few days starts to
break down as the LP to the W and NW of Scotland approaches W
Scotland. An area of HP stretches W/E along the Channel. Winds are W
or SW. Breezy conditions expected to the E of Scotland and stronger
winds expected to the SW of England. Heavy rain expected over Scotland
with showers elsewhere; driest in the SW. Coolest in the W and NW with
average conditions elsewhere
On Sunday 19th, LP lies to the W of Scotland with a small trough
down to W Ireland. Pressure begins to rise from the south-west over S,
SE and E England. Winds are S turning SW in the west, but variable in
the east of the country. Heavy rain lies over Ireland and W Scotland;
driest in the E and SE of England. Cool conditions over most areas but
mildest probably over E Scotland.
On Monday 20th, movement in the weather situation continues as a
band of LP stretches from Northern Ireland NE'wards to SW Norway. A
belt of HP stretching NE'wards covers the Channel, extreme SE England
and S North Sea. Winds are SW; strongest over Northern Ireland and W
Scotland. Rain showers expected over SE England at first and over W
Scotland. Coolest over NW Scotland but milder over S and SE England.
This weather period is pretty dismal when there isn't much going off.
An LP area to the NW of the country assures us of mild but mainly
cloudy weather. Any HP conditions touch the extreme S and SE of
England. It's good to know that movement in the weather situation
begins in the last couple of days of this period.
Cheers, Keith