Dismal weekend ahead for the South?
Nearer to North Hants - close to the A303 and M3 Jct 8
south of Basingstoke
On Mon, 25 Apr 2011 16:08:53 +0100, "Sea View" wrote:
Not exactly mid Hants so has been pointed out to me by the more worthy
will be at Popham Airfield for a 3 day flying event so hopefully it
will be
tolerable ;-)
John Athome wrote in message
Plenty of time for the charts to change - it has been glorius down
here with a max on Thurs and sat' of 25.9c, otherwise 23/24c -
cooler today 21/22c but not a cloud in the sky .
Which village/town will you be camping in ?
On Mon, 25 Apr 2011 09:58:15 +0100, "Sea View" wrote:
Off camping from Friday until Tuesday in mid Hampshire, is it me or
does it
look like a dire damp, soggy spell next weekend with the warm front
north from the continent?