"Simon S" wrote in message
It seems that every time it looks like turning zonal a new blocking
setup seems to develop. Looks like a new block has setup to the SE to
keep much of England mostly dry with mist and fog keeping it cool but
not cold. Almost all November was blocked to the west or SW. These
sorts of blocks never seem to end up in the right place to give any
real cold but they stop the usual west or southwesterly flows. How
long can a period without zonal flow be sustained over England? and
what is causing the block after block patterns.
Simon Sheaf
Sheffield South Yorkshire
It appears to me that zonality wants to break through and to a certain
extent does albeit shifted north into Scandinavia. The Polar jet needs to
undercut the block but at best seems to split resulting in a cut off LP over
the Azores, whilst the European HP cells refuses to significanlty retrogress
towards Greenland. Could it possibly be due to the positive SST anamoly over
the Gin Sea promoting cyclogenesis? Thus preventing what would in previous
decades allow the European HP cell to ridge up and support a Greenland HP?
Sean B