On Tue, 26 Apr 2011 14:36:26 -0700 (PDT), NickTheBatMan
I'm trying to understand why the Met Office forecasts are so
consistently wrong, and keeps changing from hour to hour sometimes !?
Last weekend - Easter - there were constantly changing forecasts for
Leeming from rain to not and back again... in the end there was no
rain to speak of - though there were storms over the Moors...
This seems to have been happening for nearly a year now, and it's very

It's not just MetO but most of the other sources too... Metcheck/BBC/
Wunderground etc...
I know it's not an exact science, but it use to be a lot more accurate
and consistent in its accuracy...
Anyone willing to try to give a bit of a layman's terms explanation ?
Weather Forecasters that cannot forecast, plumbers they call leaky,
builders they call Bob, Motor Technicians that are grease monkey's,
Bankers that pay bonuses for failure, the list is endless - have you
forgotten that this Country has been in decline for nearly 200 years ?