So whats going on with the weather then? Wheres the rain?
On May 12, 5:04*pm, wrote:
On 12 May 2011 15:01:01 GMT
Giovanna Stefani wrote:
On Thu, 12 May 2011 14:49:02 +0000, boltar2003 wrote:
On a related topic, where is all our rain going? Unless there's been *
less evaporation from the ocean it must be heading somewhere.
The quick answer is 'I have it'.
It has been raining hard here for much of the day so far.
While we did have a warm and dry spell, and I needed to water my wild
strawberries on three consecutive days, there is no shortage of the wet
stuff here.
Where are you? Looking at your name would Italy be a good guess?
I would guess "Buchan" is a bit of a giveaway...