KotF wrote:
I've convinced myself to splash out a bit of money on a new weather
station - I'm leaning towards a LaCrosse WS2800 but I've read that some
people have heard of issues with the anemometer failing on these -
although I can't find any first-hand accounts. Does anyone have any
experience of the LaCrosse, or recommend an alternative? I'm in an urban
location and one of the plus points of the LaCrosse is that I can locate
the sensors in different places.
One other consideration is the ability to access raw data and log it in
something like Cacti on a linux box. Not sure what the possibilities are
Any thoughts appreciated..
It's probably best to state a budget because what you can get is
obviously dependent on that. Several of us have what is really the
cheapest PC linked option. This is the Watson W-8681 range badged under
several other names and made in China by Fine Offset.(Often sold by
Maplins and on Ebay (new). Costs about £70 for console, wind, rain,
humidity, temperature and pressure. Connects via USB and comes with
average software but is great with the free (donation ware) Cumulus
software. Don't think there is any Linux software. Latest model costs
about £95 but adds UV solar measurement. It tends to be very accurate if
sited properly as the Cumulus software enables data calibration. Mine
has proved to be reliable for three years with the odd minor hiccup.