Stormy potential Scotland Monday ... i.e. tomorrow!
... not exactly exercising this newsgroup atm, but for those
of you
roughly the 'northern half' of the British Isles, a potential
significant* storm for Monday
I was somewhat surprised that no-one (as far as I could see)
from Scotland was talking about this.
Too busy getting prepared for it, perhaps?
I was on the Isle of Lewis and planning to get the ferry back to
the mainland on Monday or Tuesday. On seeing the amber warnings
and reading the forecast I rebooked on the Sunday sailing
(breaking the Sabbath, tut, tut) and came home last night. If I
have to watch lashing rain and howling gales I can do so more
usefully at home than in a Hebridean guest house.
So far it looks fairly windy here in Fochabers but nothing
unusual. The strongest winds seem to be expected further east
and further west but not here.