On Jun 7, 7:57*pm, Natsman wrote:
On Jun 7, 6:34*pm, Dave Cornwell wrote:
Well something happened after I left for the tropical South Coast Friday
morning. Having read the posts, listened to the forecasts and taken in
all the usual information on Thursday I left the three months of dry
sunny Essex for the tropical South coast. Now I had some fears that the
S.E may become cooler and cloudier from the North but no forecast of
what was about to suddenly unfold. Saturday was cloudy by PM and Sunday
was cloudy with contiuous heavy rain from 1pm till the evening. Monday
was forecast to be brighter with increasing sun from the west. It came
out eventually at 4pm. Last Thursday's weekend forecast was a shocker
from all quarters. I should have expected it though as at the end of
August 1976 after finally moving into my new house we set off for the
New Forest and broke that drought as well!
The good news is we did at least get 30mm of useful rain back in Essex
and I still managed to get some decent Redstart pics in the New Forest
before the rains came.
I best not mention the storms in Majorca, floods in Malaga and my many
other holiday weather disasters! Never go on holiday the same time as
me! Still - happy for Keith, perhaps he can get back to work ;-)
It's a cool, cool, cooling world. *But. no doubt, it'll be attributed
to global warming. *When will you all wake up? *Alas, no time soon, I
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You know Natsman Joe B has been rather naughty lately talking about
all this upper troposphere cooling. Not that he's take anynotice but I
suggested to Dr Roy Spencer when I emailed him about all this , to
give Joe a thumbs down as twisting the facts does no one any good. I
doubt either took any notice of me howver Roy Spencersezplains a lot
in this yesterdays message
Basically if I understand this correctly the AMSU satellite is not to
be trusted du to orbital decay causing temperatures to measure far
cooler than they are. So Dr Spemcer will switch to the far more
reliable aqua satellites later this week. Now the trouble here is
that they only go back as far as 2002. which if you were a scepric
would be handy as that will show no warming and possibly a slight
cooling. However Joe despite all of what the man who runs this data
set is saying and the fact that Roy Spencer is in the sceptics camp,
is still shouting on Fox Business News that there is record
tropospheric cooling and l that makes me a tad concerned as to