Lovely June day, I think not!!
On 12/06/11 19:12, nickname wrote:
On Jun 12, 7:03 pm, Adam wrote:
On 12/06/11 17:35, Graham wrote:
Wet after some early brightness, been raining since 09.00, almost 24 mm
in 8 hours!
Cold as well after a low of 2.4c (grass -0.8c) we have struggled all day
and managed just 9.9c with a freshening south east wind.
Current weather: Heavy rain
Current temp: 9.8c
Graham (North staffs)
Ugh, that is unpleasant. It has not been particularly cold in the SE,
just wet.
Thankfully it looks like this is the worst it will get and from tomorrow
onwards it will be much drier, warmer and sunnier.
Well you might be complaining but theres plenty of farmers and growers
walking around with a smile today.Lovely day and lets hope we have
some more like it in the next week or two.
It was more the temperature that I was referring too as unpleasant
rather than the rainfall.
As I am growing vegetables I do appreciate the rain as well, as long as
it doesn't swing from one extreme to the other and we end up with a 2007
like summer.