No rain in Mid Suffolk last 36 hours
After a beautiful barbecue summer s day on Tuesday, and good sunny spells
yesterday morning, the lunchtime BBC radio 4 forecast promised an afternoon
soon becoming cloudy with localised rain, and stressed that it would feel
cooler than previous day, but the sunny spells continued until cloud
increased rapidly around 1800Z . Temp had been 23C. Just discernable
drizzle for about 5 minutes at 1930Z. So another useable barbeue early
evening, and again no measureable rainfall.
Overnight and Today so far no measureable rain, despite the radar showing
rain getting very near. There have been some good sunny periods again but
cloud has thickened in last hour with again some brief tiny rain drops, but
radar currently shows us sitting in a very small zone with no echoes.
Still seems certain that some rain will reach us but nothing yet. All
surfaces currently remain dry.
NSS Mid Suffolk 161050Z