Len Wood wrote:
On Jun 17, 7:05 pm, "Col" wrote:
I know it's been raining in the south, the newsreaders on the BBC
were asking when is it going to stop raining?
A little bit of rain and they think they're hard done by, those BBC
employees who re-locate to Media City in Salford are going to get
a nasty weather surprise I can tell you 
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Got to agree with you on that one Col.
If it doesn't happen in London/SE Engalnd it doesn't happen.
The presenters of the News must have bird brains.
On the other hand they are just personalizing and ad libbing,
which is encouraged in their job up to a point.
Presenters on national TV shouldn't talk about the weather
in a personal context, as in 'wasn't it terrible this morning as
I drove into work'. Most of the rest of the country won't be
able to relate to that.
It's not a local programme, it's *national*.
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl