On Jun 17, 8:32*am, Weatherlawyer wrote:
I've been looking at the mechanics of volcanoes, with a view to
establishing a connection between them and the weather.
I'm posting this for Petra as she's having a problem signing into
Google Accounts.
Hi Michael,
The kind of weather you're trying to associate with volcanoes might be
better served with observation of Space Weather via geomagnetic
activity and X-ray flux. Solar Activity excites the earths inner core
and urges on activity in volcanic locations when such events occur.
You can follow Space Weather at:
However, it does not require a major flare to induce volcanic or
earthquake activity. Simple continual excitation brings on much the
same and good observation points for the beginner would be in
monitoring activity at The Geysers Geothermal Field, Coso Volcanic
Field and Cerra Prieto Geothermal Field In Baja, California.
Geomagnetic and Solar Flare Activity is well known to usher on
earthquakes not only in volcanic locales, but equatorial and regions
at high latitudes. Yesterday's events at New Britain, PNG; Nikiski,
Alaska; The Queen Charlotte Islands and the latest M 5.5 in Eritrea
and Southwestern Sumatra's M 5.0 are all products of such activity.