On Jun 17, 8:05*pm, Don in Hollister wrote:
On Jun 17, 8:32*am, Weatherlawyer wrote:
I've been looking at the mechanics of volcanoes, with a view to
establishing a connection between them and the weather.
I'm posting this for Petra as she's having a problem signing into
Google Accounts.
Hi Michael,
The kind of weather you're trying to associate with volcanoes might be
better served with observation of Space Weather via geomagnetic
activity and X-ray flux. *Solar Activity excites the earths inner core
and urges on activity in volcanic locations when such events occur.
You can follow Space Weather at: *http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/index.html
However, it does not require a major flare to induce volcanic or
earthquake activity. Simple continual excitation brings on much the
same and good observation points for the beginner would be in
monitoring activity at The Geysers Geothermal Field, Coso Volcanic
Field and Cerra Prieto Geothermal Field In Baja, California.
Geomagnetic and Solar Flare Activity is well known to usher on
earthquakes not only in volcanic locales, but equatorial and regions
at high latitudes. *Yesterday's events at New Britain, PNG; Nikiski,
Alaska; The Queen Charlotte Islands and the latest M 5.5 in Eritrea
and Southwestern Sumatra's M 5.0 are all products of such activity.
Hi Petradon
Let me guess your far flungedness has cost you an internet connection?
Did you have fun?
I was looking at the Volcano Islands and Bonin Islands quakes at the
end of last year when we had snow a mixture of phases at 5s and 6s. In
other words highs and Lows. There was a lot oc comment about a
blocking High situation over here at the time too, though I thought
little of it.
The situation only came to an end comparatively recently. This despite
almost all the times f phases of the moon being in the wet spectrum
this year.
Anyway the events in and around Japan were very closely linked with
the series of eruptions that staarted there about November or
definitely by December at least.
I was looking up stuff about HAARp after reading a thread in MIT's
server about the upper atmosphere heating beginning some three days
before the main event in Japan. Honestly some of the stuff on there.
Sci physics newsgroup is a dog-end.
Anyway the HAARP FAQs states there is no way that the ionosphere can
be impacted by the 10Megawats or so they use occasionally. And that
even the solar flares are easily absorbed. Of course this is only in a
dynamics frame -fluid jumps and that sort of thing.
The same people are the ones responsible for the article on
Atmospheric Science so I am not cetain they are pumping on all four
There is no telling what else is actually passed on through the
ionosphere. Obviously acoustics might. The same site says the noise is
considerable IIRC.
What sort of information do you have to show the coincidence of flares
with earthquakes etc.?