On 28/06/2011 09:39, Col wrote:
I've never seen anything like this before, at the end of a dissapating
contrail there was what can only be described as a black 'streak',
perfectly straight and very noticeable. The whole effect lasted a
minute at best.
A bit of Googling (unfortunately most of it's conspiracy theory
nonsense) suggests that this is the answer:
I think the "edge shadow (volumetric shadow)" is what I saw,
the contrail was lined up with the sun.
However contrails must be crossing the sun all the time and I've
never seen that effect before. I wonder if you only see it if the
sun is at exactly the right altitude and the observer is in exactly
the right position wrt the sun& contrail.
Has anybody else seen this effect, it was definately a what the
hell is *that* moment!
You've just seen a secret British Military energy weapon. The
conspiracy lot would have you think !