The gloom descends once again in High Wycombe!!
It certainly descended back into gloom and drizzle here today after a bright
start. Had to put my car lights on at 2.00pm ! It's only the dryness I've
enjoyed and am certainly looking forward to the forthcoming changes.
Ok Dave I'll give you we haven't had many active fronts crossing here this
few weeks - but it's been very damp here and we have had numerous days of
intermittent fine drizzle. But even this last working week we had three
days out
of five where we never saw the sun all day. Thursday was the sunniest day
for over 5 weeks!
And yes, Alan: I had forgotten about those 2 nice weeks in June, but even
so I
still stand by what I said: this has been the most depressing year of
weather I
can ever remember! Also bear in mind that here on the Chilterns the mean
temperature is nearly always at least 3-4C lower than the surrounding
Yesterday for instance, the maximum here was just 4.5C - and not a
sunshine either!
The sun has just broken through here after a clear and frosty night
followed by
a gloomy dawn & morning.
Aagh! Every time I learn something new... it pushes something old out of
my brain!