"John Hall" wrote ...
Every day for the last couple of weeks or more the Daily Telegraph
shown the lowest minimum in the country as being "Cairngorms". I
that someone must have put an AWS at the top of a mountain, but even
the values being quoted seem remarkably low. They always seem to be
below freezing, and on a couple of occasions have been as low
as -6°C.
The Telegraph gets its data from one of the big private forecasting
outfits. Presumably the Cairngorms data isn't recognised by the Met
.... it's been there for many years (since 1977), and has been featured
in several television programmes (and articles in the meteorological
literature) ....
It is most certainly 'recognised' by the Met Office (SYNOP = 03065)
and can be monitored either via the site above, or from such as
'OgiMet' at ....
It won't appear in the 'official' highs/lows of course because it's a
high-level station. I can't remember the cut-off height that is used
.... ~ 350m?
There are a few others that aren't used ... e.g., Cairnwell, Great Dun
Martin Rowley
West Moors, East Dorset (UK): 17m (56ft) amsl
Lat: 50.82N Long: 01.88W
NGR: SU 082 023