"Ken Cook" wrote in message
Just manual atm until I can work out the AWS linking!
There are potentially two ways of doing an upload from the Weatherlink
software (in addition to entering observations manually that is). One is to
perform an upload of a WL archive file - you have to perform this upload
manually, but it obviously is a way of uploading a batch of records in one
go. If you're content to do this manually say once or twice a day then in
this sense WL is already compatible with WOW.
But if you want to upload 'current conditions' data frequently and
automatically, say hourly or every 10 mins then WL doesn't provide this
facility directly and as Will correctly says instead you need to use an
add-on. I've got a prototype (a native Windows application) here that does
just this but it needs to be tested further and made a bit more flexible as
John Dann